
Changi Business Park

If you’re looking for a new location for your company, you may want to consider Changi Business Park. This business park is located in Changi South, in the eastern part of Singapore. This location is ideal for small and start-up companies. This business park offers free shuttle services to and from nearby locations.

Moovit helps you find the best way to get to Changi Business Park

If you’re looking for directions to 3 Changi Business Park Crescent in Singapore, Moovit can help you find the best routes. Moovit is a free transit app that helps you find the best routes and times to get to 3 Changi Business Park Crescent. With real-time information on bus and train routes, you can easily get to Changi Business Park Crescent.

It offers a free shuttle service

There is a free shuttle service to and from Changi Business Park, located near Changi Airport. The park is also connected to the Central Business District via the Pan Island Expressway and East Coast Parkway. The service is available on demand and terminates at the park’s bus terminal.

The park’s shuttle bus services connect the business park to Changi Airport, and these services are provided by Age Bus Service. Due to the COVID-19 Global Situation, however, these shuttle bus services are suspended until further notice. From 3 Jun, the free shuttle service to Changi Airport will no longer operate between Changi Business Park and Terminal 4.

The free shuttle service operates eight stops from the business park to the Changi Airport Terminal 3. It also offers special services for the physically challenged and the elderly. The shuttle service is available only on weekends and public holidays.

It is a good option for start-up companies

If you are looking for a place to establish a business in Singapore, you can look into Changi Business Park. This business park is home to major technology, aviation, and financial firms. It is situated near Changi Airport and is close to many amenities. The park also features a good corporate image and a plethora of restaurants, cafes, and retail stores. This location also makes it convenient for foreign visitors. The area also boasts many hotels and restaurants, including the Capri Hotel by Frasers. You will also find several transport options nearby, including the Expo MRT.

Changi Business Park provides affordable office rentals, especially for technology companies. The cost of rent is less than that of office rentals in the CBD. Since there are many IT companies operating here, this business park is a great choice for IT start-up companies. Additionally, the park offers affordable co-working space, which is ideal for tech companies.

It is close to Singapore Expo

Changi Business Park is located in Changi South, in the eastern part of Singapore. It is close to the Singapore Expo and offers a variety of business and office spaces. It is also close to Changi Airport, making it an excellent location for both small and large companies. However, the best part about Changi Business Park is its proximity to the Singapore Expo.

By train, you can take the Circle Line or East-West Line to Expo Station. However, if you are coming from downtown Singapore, you must transfer to Tanah Merah before reaching the Changi portion of the East-West Line. To reach Changi Business Park, you need to take the Changi portion of the East-West Line.

If you plan to travel frequently, Changi Business Park is close to Changi Airport. The airport is located only one stop away. The business park also has a supermarket nearby. Nearby, Changi City Point is a popular shopping mall.

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